Jimmy Carr finds humour in the darkest of places in this stand-up comedy special. This special features Jimmy's trademark dry, sardonic wit and includes some jokes which Jimmy calls "career enders".
Jimmy Carr finds humour in the darkest of places in this stand-up comedy special. This special features Jimmy's trademark dry, sardonic wit and includes some jokes which Jimmy calls "career enders".
主演:本·怀特海德, 彼得·凯, 劳伦·帕特尔, 里斯·谢尔史密斯, 戴安·摩根, 阿卓艾·安多, 穆兹·卡汗, 伦尼·亨利, Victoria Elliott, 约翰·斯帕克斯, Jon Glover, Bethan Mary-James, 玛雅·索地, Tom Doggart, Richard Beek, 梅林·科罗星汉, 戴维·霍尔特, Lizzie Waterworth, Adrian Rhodes, Roman Kemp